Major agreements
Cécile Eloir, a professional opera singer, founded the "Lyre&Muses" association in 2002, which offers a season of classical music concerts in rare, unusual or little-known places in Paris for a unique experience. Since 2018, the association has also brought soloists into AP-HP hospitals to perform beautiful and soothing music. The mezzo-contralto "empties her bag" at Chardon Paris!
Who are you?
My name is Cécile Eloir, I am a lyric artist and president/founder of the cultural and heritage association Lyre&Muses(www.lyre-muses.fr), in Paris.
Which bag(s) do you use on a daily basis?
I am lucky enough to work from home. My piano (singing) and my office (association) are on the same floor. I use two bags on a daily basis, depending on my outings. One very large and one very small.
In Cécile Eloir's bag
What do you take with you?
The very large one is for going to a rehearsal: it contains my mobile phone and my wallet, my heavy opera scores (various sizes), a book, a scarf (whatever the weather...), my make-up bag, pencils and... a tuning fork (I often sing in the metro...!). The small one only contains my phone, my wallet and a stick of rouge.
What items do you always carry with you in your bag (your essentials)?
My mobile phone and my wallet.
How do you find your keys?
They are in my pocket.
An anecdote (a (mis)adventure with your bag ...)?
In forty years of Parisian life, I have twice had my wallet stolen from my large bag. Both times, the thief took advantage of a moment of inattention on my part to plunge his hand into my bag, giving me a big smile....
On holiday? what do you take in your bag?
I always carry two bags to face any situation. I don't go on holiday very often and I'm always between contracts.
How do you balance your professional and personal life in your bag?
The essentials are in this bag. Always ready to go to the end of the world.
What is your favourite item in the Chardon Paris window?
I immediately adopted the "Chardon" purse that I bought at the Bon Marché. That's how I met you. I had just been robbed on the bus.
To find out more about the Lyre & Muses association and Un Soliste à l'hôpital
The association "Lyre&Muses", founded by Cécile Eloir, promotes heritage shows, revealing, for an evening, exceptional places little known to the general public.
The association also offers the operation Un Soliste à l'hôpital (Soloist in the hospital ), a musical moment designed as a break from the hospital world, often a source of anxiety and boredom.
more info: https://www.lyre-muses.fr/
Make a donation to the association