The Beautiful and The Good
Charlotte Björklund created the timeless (and highly desirable) cashmere brand Linnea Lund three years ago. The French-Swedish entrepreneur is now opening a second boutique in Stockholm, after the one in Paris.
It was while looking for a gift that was out of the ordinary that Charlotte began to glimpse the inner workings of cashmere manufacturing. After buying 1 kilo of cashmere wool to make a beautiful scarf, she met an Italian knitter and became fascinated by the workings of this know-how. Her convictions are then gradually transformed into finished products: accessories, then sweaters, beautiful and reasonably priced, made to order in all transparency, and with much, much conviviality. The Linnea Lund brand was born.
Meet the globetrotting founder who divides her time between Paris, Stockholm and Italy!
Hello Charlotte, can you introduce yourself and the Linnea Lund adventure?
I am Charlotte Björklund. I am passionate about Beauty and Goodness. This probably comes from my father who is a chef and my admiration for crafts. My adventure with Linnea Lund started 3 years ago when I was looking for a gift for a friend. I decided to make her a beautiful cashmere scarf. I bought 1 kilo of wool from a spinning shop, without any idea of how many scarves I could make. Then I meet Marco, who is the head of a knitting factory. He has an incredible know-how and agrees to accompany me in this manufacture, which will give birth to 4 scarves, 2 for my friend and her mom and 2 for my mom and me. Back in Paris, I received a lot of compliments on my scarf and I realized that it was not the best on the market in terms of quality. I then decided to test a first sale with a circle of friends with my prototype and it was a tidal wave! 60 orders in one go! I then had to find a way to manufacture it all. Marco agrees to follow me and the adventure begins! Then came the mittens and the collars to optimize the consumption of wool and progressively a poncho and sweaters.
I discovered the magnificent store on the Place Furstemberg during a walk and I fell under the spell of this place. I wrote to the owner who also agreed to follow me. Linnea Lund is really a story about people at all levels!
Today I am opening a store in Stockholm, a real dream for me, a kind of return to my roots!
What bag do you use on a daily basis and what do you take with you?
Charlotte's Keys in Swedish colors for the Stockholm boutique.
I always have a small bag with me, slung over my shoulder, in which I carry my "Keys" of Chardon Paris, my 2 phones (a blackberry for the pro and an iphone for the personal) my airpods, my wallet and my passport. I also take a totebag with my computer, all my papers and at least one book. I don't know how to move around lightly.
In fact, I'm very optimistic and always carry something, like a book, that I might "eventually" need. I also have a makeup bag, even though I don't wear much makeup. I've accumulated so much stuff in this tote bag, I'll have to sort it out!
You travel a lot, how do you manage the luggage, the airport, the security check?
Actually, I know the airport like the back of my hand. For 5 years, I was the right and left hand of Lidewij Edelkoort, director of an international trend agency. We travelled around the world several times a year and at Air France, they told me that I was flying more than a pilot! Flying is like taking the train for me, I love to travel and I am like a fish in water in an airport. The only problem is that I am apprehensive when flying since I had a complicated flight. But I recently did an "anti-stress" course which reassured me a little.
When I travel, I usually take a bag with my totebag and a carry-on.
Your next trip to decompress?
I am lucky enough to be able to escape from Paris on a regular basis. I spend all my weekends in the countryside where I can relax. In this case I just have one more bag and my Linnea Lund tote bag. I also have a ritual. Every year on my birthday, which falls between Christmas and New Year's Day, I fly to the sun for ten days. It is very important for me to celebrate each year that passes. It's my gift to myself. This year's trip is being set 😊.
An anecdote (a (mis)adventure) from one of your trips?
When Clara and I left to open the Stockholm store a month ago, the trip was ultra epic! As we passed through security, I set off the alarms. The security guards detected traces of explosives on my hands, for a completely unknown reason! An hour followed during which they methodically emptied my entire bag, taking out my things one by one! Finally they found nothing, and I was able to leave. I still have no explanation for the marks on my hands! In addition, the company lost one of our suitcases. The truck with the stock did not manage to leave Paris in time. In short, everything was unleashed against us, but in the end, the Boutique opened in a joyful and good mood!
Do Swedish women have a specific relationship with their bag compared to Parisian women?
I would say that Swedish women will be more ostentatious when it comes to their accessories (bag and shoes in particular), but, due to the weather conditions, they also opt for technical objects. It is not rare to see them with 2 bags: a backpack and a small handbag. Thus they manage to combine comfort, practicality and chic!
Thank you Charlotte!